Sergio Stagnaro, MD, born in Sestri Levante (Genoa) 7th, december,1931,
graduate in Medicine and Surgery 16th, november, 1956 at University of
Genoa, specialized at University of Pavia on Blood-Gastrointestinal- and Metabolic- Diseases (1959), worked as internal physician in Clinica Medica of Genoa University (directed by Prof. Lorenzo Antognetti). He developed since 1955 the “old” method of bed-side diagnosing Auscultatory Percussion, founded, 1970, the Auscultatory Percussion-Reflex Diagnostics and eventually in 1990 the Biophysical Semeiotics, which
allows the doctors to evaluate clinically the deterministic chaos of biological
November 2007, he has founded Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics thanks to quantum physics knowledge, he learned
by his friend Paolo Manzelli, former Chief of Chemistry Departement at
Florence University.
results of his researches are in more than five hundred articles, partly posted
on the most famous websites, and six books ("Nuovi Aspetti di Semeiotica
Medica", out of print, "Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica.
Il Terreno
Oncologico", "La Melatonina nella Terapia del Terreno Oncologico e del
Reale Rischio Oncologico.", "Le Costituzioni Semeiotico-Biofisiche. Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la
definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine.",
"Single Patient
Based Medicine. La Medicina Basata sul Singolo Paziente: Nuove
Indicazioni della Melatonina.",
"Teoria Patogenetica Unificata" -the last
five edited by
Travel Factory in Rome-).
1992 is Active Member of the New York Acàdemy of Sciences. His biography
is mentioned in the most famous who's who , among them Who’s Who in the
World (from 1996 to 2019), Who’s Who
in the World 2018,
Who’s Who in America (from 1996 to 2009),
Dictionary of International Biographies, Who’s Who in the 21st Century
(IBC di Cambridge), American Bibliographycal Institute 500 greatest
Geniuses of the 21st Century (since 2007), Who’s Who
in Medicine and Health Care 2018, since april 2007 he is
included in the book "Outstanding Scientists Worldwide 2007".
Since february 2002 holds the blog "Semeiotica
Biofisica Quantistica" he informs about his clinical ongoing
research, and
articles published in the most outstanding peer-reviews of the
world.Since October 2005 its article are posted in a regular manner in
India's premier medical portal as Cyber Lectures.Tra le più recenti
scoperte figurano i Reali Rischi Congeniti, Dipendenti dalle relative
Costituzioni, la Terapia Quantistica, la Diagnostica Psicocinetica, (,
born after the "Lory's Experiment", the clinical demonstration
of Water Memory-Information, the relationship between Mamma Adipose
Tissue and Breast Cancer,
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